Going Toast cartoon archive

My blogs and sites have turned into a bit of a mess over the years. The most simple thing would have been to keep everything in one place which is what I had done for a long time, but I thought since I make such different kinds of work (fine art, design, illustration, cartoons, blah) I decided to create different blogs for different content. Now I realise that was a ridiculous idea simply because it’s so difficult to upkeep!

When I was younger I used to draw cartoons all the time, but when I started taking art seriously I moved away from that. I did things here and there for fun, but nothing that regular. Then I got tired of working mundane jobs in order to pay the rent and fund my art making, so I started working in design after I had finished my funded MA. Through working in design people realised I could draw so I often produced illustrations. In 2010 I moved to Finland, got a job and then in 2011 my daughter happened into this world. This was a great time, but it was also a tiring time and I think I spent two years like a zombie. During this period I began making the cartoons. I think it was my way of dealing with what was happening in my life at the time, trying not to take things too seriously and trying somehow to stay sane! So I began again picking up from an old hobby just for the fun of it.

These were the beginnings of the more complex drawings I now create. So rather than migrate across all those drawings and make even more of a mess of this blog I’ll just direct you to the archive which is here:


Below are some drawings from that archive I’m quite fond of.

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